Android smartphone


Multi-tier project with delphi.

First step.You must have the following things.
1. Socketserver. You can find socket server in "c:\program files\borland\delphi7\bin\".The following is below figure.

2. Server application.You can create server application you self.
3. Datasnap component for client application.

Second step.What is socket server do.
Socket server is using easy define port for client connecting.You can add and remove port with once.When you run scktsrvr.exe it is going to tray icon.
You only double click scktsrvr icon in tray icon.Socket manager is appear.And you can add and remove port no.

Third step.Create application server.
Create server application.Go to file/new/application menu.See below figure.

Add remote data module into application.See this below.
Go to file/new/Other menu.

Go to multitier tab and select remote data module icon.
Click OK button.And entry coClass name.(coClass name is server data module.)
When you have remote data module you will past connection, dataset, provider component.
In this case study I am using AdoConnection, AdoQuery, Datasetprovider.Put you component like this.
Setting con1.
Build connection string.
Define connection parameter.(This exam is connect to northwind database on local server.)
Click OK button.

Setting and entry sql command in Qry1.
Assign connection (con1) into connection property of Qry1.
And entry command into SQL Property.See figure below.
Click OK button to close SQL command editor.
Setting dataset provider.
Assign "Qry1" into Dataset property of Datasetprovider.
When you completed step.You save as projects is Appserverp.dpr. (Form1)Unit1 rename Form1 as frmAppserver and Unit1 save as Appserveru.pas.rmdataserver unit save as rmdataserveru.pas.And press F9 to run project.